Wednesday, May 28, 2008

How Not to Become Just a FRIEND to Her ?

Each human uses method, or method uses him ...

A guy that walks and talks only smart things, about science or philosophy will NEVER have an access to the girl's body.NEVER. And the proccess won't do anything by itself, until YOU help it.

You have to have a unique wish.
A girl can get used to conversations, but she will never have a sexual symposium. The paradox, but compared with that man it will be even more useful to touch the girls's body, lol.

I have a friend, that's what shethinks about it: "Happens, that I don't love the guy, but I like him, because he's so funny. We are not a pair, but we can walk and just talk for years. He wants more. I DON'T."

How to make that not to happen with YOU ?

Your relationships must evolve. With every dating you must take more. When you're walking together, you're trying to kiss or hug her, and she can't let you do that ... You go and think yourself that "It's wrong, I'm doing this too early"

The girl knows that and feels little victory. So you're losing this battle, you didn't pass her checking. You do not arrogance to make that again or to say "Bye forever" to her. She understands that you are too simple. Women don't like simple guys.

Girl can hint at that she needs you. If not the arrogance - you can lose her. So keep training yourself with that and make conclutions.

Good luck !


Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Mistakes of The Beginner : Hard @ Learning, Easy in Bed

Any beginner wants all at once. This is absolutely normal, so everywhere, not only with women! But the problem - girls do not realize this ... I remember I read the sites and books, grew up in their eyes, and women around simply did not understand this.

In such moments, and there is uncertainty in yourself, in its various forms..

For example - this blog is for losers just like you ... Or - if it works for other not for you, you just lozer for life ... Or - all girls are normal , and I've found only idiots...
The worst that happens in such doubts is you trying to find "magic pills". It's an active of reading books and smart tips on blogs and forums. And with tips, as you know, everything is simple - we easily accept those that suit us, and do not see any other around.

What is important for the pickupper-beginner ? He is looking for the easy ways and is not willing to look like the rest.

So, the triangle: a pioneer, the field, the fears. Forget about the fears.

First, any pioneer must be clearly aware of his place. If you want to geto off the limits, you need to understand them immediately.

To learn how to run, you must first learn to walk and run on manual is not much help.

There is a thing that you could be scared of, you'll think like "Damn, I'm too bad for her, she won't give me any phone number".
>STOP THAT. Think about another situation. You're walkin down the street, every girl looks at you. And one of them comes to you and says "Hello". Will you tell her to go away ? Definetely NO.

Finally, remember, women aru people just like you.

Now, get off the computer and go away on the street and come & bring few telephone numbers and a good conversations with girls !
